Nespresso CitiZ C120 Automatic and programmable coffee quantity(Espresso and Lungo)w/frother Aluminum 9.3 x 10.9 x 14.6 in water tank: 34 oz

Nespresso CitiZ C120 Automatic and programmable coffee quantity(Espresso and Lungo)w/frother Aluminum 9.3 x 10.9 x 14.6 in water tank: 34 oz

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Espresso Makers: Depending on Your Need, There's an Espresso Maker for You

Since Starbucks first went International in the early 1990s, espresso has been the number-one item on the minds of those who need a quick pick-me-up to get their day started. It started out as a fad, but with the onslaught of Friends on Nbc in 1994 and Starbucks reproducing like rabbits throughout the last decade of the 20th Century, it has morphed into a worldwide phenomenon.

But what is espresso exactly. To put it in the simplest terms, espresso is coffee's more aggressive and strong willed little brother. Espresso is caffeine's answer to a shot of whisky. Just as addictive in some cases, but will not get you thrown in jail.

Epresso Maker

Espresso is made by filtering 1.5 to 2 ounces of water straight through tightly ground, espresso coffee, practically the caffeine equivalent of four cups of coffee. If all things goes agreeing to plan, what you get is 2 ounces of compressed caffeine with a small layer of foam on the top. The resulting concoction looks like a dark German beer with a head...only a lot smaller.

Espresso Makers: Depending on Your Need, There's an Espresso Maker for You

But how do you make espresso? Is it as easy as Starbucks would have you believe? In a word...yes. So where do you start? Again, the answer is simple...right here. There are five basic types of espresso machines. Let's take a quick look:

Now that you know how to make espresso, how do you resolve what your popular concoction is? After all Starbucks has more varieties of espresso than Baskin Robbins does ice cream. You do not want to make a fool of yourself when you when you are late for work and don't have time to make your morning wake-me-up at home. Yo need to feel distinct and proud when you walk up to the conter and ask for:

So now that you know all things there is to know about espresso and why there seems to be a Starbucks on every projection of every city in every state in every country in the world, you can resolve whether you want to join in on this worldwide phenomenon. But beware...if you resolve not to join the crowd on this one, you will likely be left behind. A caffeine-powered work force is what made the world what it is today.

Espresso Makers: Depending on Your Need, There's an Espresso Maker for You

Panasonic Mini Fridge