Nespresso CitiZ C120 Automatic and programmable coffee quantity(Espresso and Lungo)w/frother Aluminum 9.3 x 10.9 x 14.6 in water tank: 34 oz

Nespresso CitiZ C120 Automatic and programmable coffee quantity(Espresso and Lungo)w/frother Aluminum 9.3 x 10.9 x 14.6 in water tank: 34 oz

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Nespresso C60 Pixie Espresso Makers

Nespresso C60 Pixie Espresso Makers

Nespresso C60 Pixie Espresso Makers

Nespresso C60 Pixie Espresso Makers

- Small footprint makes this machine well suited for smaller kitchens that don't have a lot of counter space.
- Heats up very quickly, i.e. making coffee is quite fast
- Cute design
- Coffee is very good and hot, with excellent crema, just like it is with the Citiz.

- Smaller water reservoir means frequent refilling.
- Reservoir is more difficult to remove than on the Citiz. It clicks into the machine at the top via two plastic 'hooks' which only retract when one opens the reservoir's hinged lid. With the lid open, one then lifts the reservoir up and out. We found this a bit tedious, coming from the more straight-forward design of the Citiz where no opening of the lid is required, one lifts it out and is done.
- The cup tray folds up for taller cups such as latte macchiato glasses but it does not stay folded up on its own, i.e. one has to hold the tray with one hand and place the cup down with the other. As soon as the cup is removed, the tray falls back into its original position
- We found that there is noticeable coffee spray during operation. We had to place the machine on a towel and move it away from anything that could be permanently soiled by that spraying, such as walls.
Nespresso C60 Pixie Espresso Makers